The condition of hormonal imbalance is not just restricted to females, if it occurs in males, they begin to develop features like a woman. Estrogen levels begin to rise and as a result, Breasts begin to enlarge. You must have heard of male breasts, it has a medical term called, gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition in which males experience the growth of breasts as tissues build up near the chest area and breasts begin to appear.
While this can be a depressing thing if left untreated, thankfully it is treatable. Gynecomastia is a medical disorder that causes the male breast tissue to expand, it has a dedicated medical treatment which is used to correct it using various methods. As males are associated with masculinity and toughness, breasts cause a lot of trouble to not just their personality but to their self-esteem as well. Many males who are suffering with this condition are depresses and under a lot of anxiety. They go for various medicines and exercises, but nothing really helps, and eventually a surgery is required to curb this problem.
There are typically 3 types of surgeries which are liposuction, excision and a combination of both. Most of the surgeries are performed under local anesthesia and are safe, and the patient can do regular activities after a week or two. Male breast reduction surgery, or gynecomastia surgery, is a procedure that can shrink the size of the male breast tissue. Making an incision around the areola, removing extra fat and glandular tissue, and reshaping the chest with stitches make up this very straightforward operation.
For individuals who have it, gynecomastia can be unsightly and uncomfortable. It can also lead to psychological discomfort. Fortunately, gynecomastia is treatable, and with the time span of one and two hours the procedure is done. Before going for it, one should discuss your goals and how the procedure can help you achieve them with your doctor.
Gynecomastia can a hundred percent be treated with surgery, a little discomfort is always there but with proper rest and healing you can get back to normal life. The surgery is safe, secure and a reliable method to get rid of male breasts.
After getting gynecomastia surgery done, one can get back his confidence and self-esteem. An appealing and masculine chest contour is always admired and appreciated. This helps in increasing comfort, because of the weight of the larger breasts some men experience discomfort. Surgery can significantly reduce this discomfort by cutting away extra tissue and fat. Lastly, it increases functionality, for some guys, the physical pain brought on by gynecomastia can prevent them from participating in sports and other activities. Surgery may help to enhance these functions.
If you are looking for a plastic surgeon in Lucknow, you should definitely consider Dr. Sumit Malhotra. He is known for his expertise in the field and under his guidance every patient receives one-on-one attention. Talking about, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced cosmetic surgery facilities in India. They use the latest technology to perform the surgery, which is the reason why they have a higher rate of patient satisfaction. He is one of the few doctors who are specialized in gynecomastia surgery in Lucknow. So, book your appointment today and get advice on what will be favourable to you.