Knee injuries are rather frequent and happen in a variety of forms. A wide range of structures might be implicated in a ligament or tendon rupture, injury to a bone or its cartilage, or joint subluxation. As a result, there are a plethora of therapies available to address the subsequent symptoms of your knee injury. Each intervention, from conservative and at-home treatments to more invasive procedures by an Orthopedic Doctor in Delhi, has the potential to improve your health in the proper conditions.
There might be various reasons why your knee injury isn't mending if the pain doesn't go away:
You misjudged the seriousness of your injuries. You may have felt some discomfort when you originally hurt your knee and thought you could "shake it off." However, if you did not rest the knee from hard activities or exercise, the damage may have worsened. You might have a hairline fracture or a torn ligament that went unnoticed and untreated, and it could have healed incorrectly.
You haven't allowed the knee enough time to heal. A moderate soft-tissue injury, such as a strained or partially torn ligament, tendon, or muscle, typically takes at least two weeks to recover sufficiently to allow you to resume high-level activities. Returning to normal exercise too soon after a knee injury can aggravate the pain and cause more tissue damage.
You did not follow the recommended treatment protocol. Resting your knee for a few hours or applying ice to the sore area may give temporary comfort, but it will not help the lesion to heal. Your doctor may have advised you to use the R.I.C.E. approach for at least a few days to expedite recovery, but you may have gotten impatient and abandoned the healing routine.
Aside from a catastrophic knee injury, you may be suffering from a chronic ailment such as osteoarthritis. This inflammation happens as a result of cartilage loss in your knee joint due to wear and strain, causing the bones in the joint to push against each other and cause discomfort. If your knee discomfort persists, you should consult an orthopedic doctor as soon as possible.
The parts that follow go through the most often performed operations and specialist-driven treatments by orthopedic surgeons in Delhi.
Rehabilitation Therapy
Physical therapy can help you restore your knee's range of motion, strength, and stability. Therapy is frequently suggested following a meniscal injury and has been demonstrated to yield results comparable to partial meniscectomy surgery. This is especially true for people who already have knee osteoarthritis.
Ligament Reconstruction
Reconstruction surgery is commonly performed after a complete rupture of one of the knee's supporting ligaments. Reconstruction surgery offers the best likelihood of returning to pre-injury activity levels while lowering the risk of long-term instability. There is still a high danger of re-tearing the graft or developing joint osteoarthritis.
Partial Meniscectomy
Individuals who do not find relief from physical therapy or whose meniscal rupture physically prevents them from recovering range of motion may benefit the most from partial meniscectomy surgery. This appears to be especially true for persons who already have osteoarthritis in their joints. A thorough repair may potentially be performed depending on the peculiarities of the meniscus.
Tendon Repair
Tears in the tendons around the knee joint are most commonly found in the patellar or quadriceps tendons. These muscle injuries are exceedingly debilitating and nearly invariably need surgery to correct. Long-term results are typically favorable, albeit there is a higher chance of re-tear.
MPFL Reconstruction
This surgery entails utilizing a graft from another part of the body or a cadaver to replace the injured medial patellofemoral ligament. The procedure seeks to strengthen the inner section of the patella and prevent it from dislocating outward. This intervention has generally been quite successful, with minimal rates of dislocation and high percentages of persons returning to their favorite activity or exercise.
The fracture is realigned, and pins, screws, plates, or rods are inserted into the bone to support the region. There are several forms of knee fractures, each with its surgical result and associated adverse effects. However, in general, ORIF treatments in this area necessitate physical therapy to help you restore function in your leg.
SUMMARY: There are a plethora of therapies available to address the subsequent symptoms of your knee injury. Each intervention, from conservative and at-home treatments to more invasive procedures by an Orthopedic Doctor in Delhi, has the potential to improve your health in the proper conditions.