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What Problems Can Neurological Physiotherapy Treat?

What Is Neurological Physiotherapy?

Neurological physiotherapy is the treatment for people who have mobility and function issues caused by abnormalities with the neurological and neuromuscular systems of the body.

poor balance and coordination, loss of function, Muscular weakness, uncontrollable muscle spasms, tremors, and diminished sensitivity are common symptoms of these disorders. At our Physiocure center, we treat patients with many neurological conditions with physiotherapy. Common neurological conditions include -

  • Functional Neurological Disorders

  • Stroke, CVA, or TIA

  • Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Parkinson’s disease

Neurological physiotherapy seeks to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from neurological disorders by physical techniques. Every person with a neurological illness has a unique presentation. Your symptoms and disease will be the focus of your treatment. Neurological Physical therapy treatment at Physiocure aims to:

  • Rehabilitate

  • Slow down the physical deterioration

  • Maximize potential

  • Help children with disabilities achieve developmental milestones.

Approach Towards Neurological Physiotherapy -

  • Following a brain or spinal cord damage, the brain is dynamic and capable of adjusting to change. Using a problem-solving and eclectic approach, therapy is tailored to the patient's symptoms and level of harm.

  • Encouraging and enhancing movement through strengthening, sensory stimulation, positive reward, and verbal feedback. Correcting and altering posture and alignment during laying, sitting, and standing. Encouragement of functional activities centered on everyday tasks.

  • Use of verbal and visual cues to help patients to think about their tasks and learn from therapy.

  • Muscle shortening is avoided since it leads to stiffness and aberrant movement.

  • Using a collaborative approach to patient rehabilitation. Realistic, measurable, and time-bound goals must be implemented. Engaging the patient actively in therapy sessions. Obtaining as much independence and quality of life as possible.

Benefits of Neurological Physiotherapy -

Many patients with neurological diseases experience loss of range of motion or function, muscular weakness, impaired balance, and stamina, all of which can have a significant impact on their daily lives. Neurological physiotherapy works by activating the nerve system via various activities and exercises to increase strength, mobility, balance, and coordination. Neurological physiotherapy not only helps patients with movement impairments, but it also helps them achieve a better attitude and confidence in their situations by increasing their entire quality of life through:

  • Better balance and coordination

  • Improved walking

  • Optimized function on affected areas

  • Increased stamina and endurance

  • Reduced contractures

  • Optimized independence

How Does Physiocure Treat Patients With Neurological Physiotherapy?

A trained neurological physiotherapist is most suited to perform neurological rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists at Physiocure Clinic have extensive expertise treating individuals with neurological problems.

The type of physiotherapy you receive depends on your condition. Treatment will be tailored to your requirements. Physiotherapy will improve your capacity to do daily duties and encourage the functional activities you appreciate the most. Walking, ascending the stairs, shopping, gardening, or just being able to roll over and change position in bed, or move with help to your bed, are all examples.

Whatever your ailment, treatment may include stretching, strengthening, and teaching you how to retain your balance and walk. Physiocure's dedicated physiotherapists will assist you in reaching your full potential, regaining your freedom, and improving the quality of your life.

An initial examination will identify any issues caused by your neurological disease, and a treatment plan tailored to your specific requirements will be devised.

Between you and your physiotherapist, a comprehensive rehabilitation program with short and long-term therapy goals will be devised. Depending on your demands, neurological physiotherapy can be performed at home or in the clinic.

For more information about neurological physiotherapy or to book an assessment, please call at our Clinic today, To know more about neurological conditions in physiotherapy You can also make appointments online today.

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